Weston County Health Services

1124 Washington Blvd, Newcastle, WY 82701
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Amenities for Weston County Health Services



Day Trips and Outings


Water Rehabilitation


Activities On-site

community amenities

common areas

Indoor Common Areas

languages spoken



dining services

Meals Provided

healthcare services

high acuity care

Parkinson’s Care


22 to 24 hours a day

staffing ancillary services

24-Hour Awake Staff
Home Care Agency On-Site
Nutritionist / Dietician
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Laboratory Services

room amenities

Medicare rating for Weston County Health Services

Overall rating

Health inspections


Long-Term Stay Rating




There were 0.8 hospitalizations per 1000 patient days in this community.

Compare to 1.1 in Wyoming and 1.6 nationally. A lower rate of hospitalizations is indicative of higher quality of care and attention to resident safety.

Emergency room visits

There were 2 emergency room visits per 1000 patient days in this community.

Compare to 1.3 in Wyoming and 1 nationally. Fewer visits to emergency care is indicative of higher quality of care and attention to resident safety.

Ability to self-care

85.1% of residents maintained the ability to move, eat, use the bathroom and do other common activities without help.

Compare to 84.8% in Wyoming and 85.2% nationally. A sustained ability to self care is indicative of quality care.

Flu vaccination

98.8% of residents received the annual influenza vaccination.

Compare to 95.6% in Wyoming and 95.0% nationally. Vaccinations are an important disease-prevention tool, especially when living in a multi-resident setting.

Nurse staffing consistency

A registered nurse was on site for at least 8 hours on 92.3% of days.

Compare to 97.4% in Wyoming and 97.6% nationally. Some nursing homes may fall short of the federal minimum requirement for daily registered nurse staffing. Registered nurses have the highest training level among nursing staff.

Weekend staffing

Rated poor for consistent weekend to weekday staffing.

Ratio of staffing on weekends compared to weekdays. Parity between weekend and weekday care is important for patient safety and consistency of care.

Use of antipsychotic drugs

19.9% of residents were given antipsychotic drugs.

Compare to 21.3% in Wyoming and 20.8% nationally. Lower is better. High levels of use of antipsychotic drugs can indicate inappropriate use for behavior control rather than for medical treatment.