Aicota Health Care Center

850 Second Street Northwest, Aitkin, MN 56431
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Amenities for Aicota Health Care Center


parties celebrations

BBQs or Picnics

community amenities

common areas

Barber Shop
Beauty Salon
Outdoor Common Areas
Outside Patio

languages spoken


memory care

Outdoor Walking Paths

recreational areas

Movie or Theater Room


Laundry Service / Drycleaning


healthcare services

high acuity care

IV Care
Wound Care


22 to 24 hours a day

staffing ancillary services

24-Hour Awake Staff
Hospice Available On-Site
Massage Therapist
On-site Nurse Practitioner
Registered Nurses
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Palliative Care
Discharge Planning
Case Management

room amenities


Wi-Fi/high-speed internet

Medicare rating for Aicota Health Care Center

Overall rating

Health inspections


Short-Term Stay Rating

Residents able to return home


Compare to 56.7% in Minnesota and 53.7% nationally. The ability to return to a personal residence rather than a hospital or other care setting is an indication of successful rehabilitation.

Falls with major injury

0.0% of residents fell, resulting in a major injury such as a bone fracture or dislocation.

Compare to 0.8% in Minnesota and 0.9% nationally. Preventing injury is an indicator of quality care and attention to resident safety.

Infections resulting in hospitalization


Compare to 6.8% in Minnesota and 7.7% nationally. Lower is better. Preventing infection is an indicator of quality care and attention to resident safety.



Compare to 20.5% in Minnesota and 22.5% nationally. Lower is better. Fewer rehospitalizations is indicative of higher quality of care and attention to resident safety.

Emergency room visits


Compare to 13.7% in Minnesota and 12.3% nationally. Lower is better. Fewer visits to emergency care is indicative of higher quality of care and attention to resident safety.

Nurse Staffing

3 hours 31 minutes of nurse staffing per resident per day.

Compare to 4 hours 5 minutes in Minnesota and 3 hours 43 minutes nationally. Adequate staffing is associated with better safety and outcomes.

Physical therapist staffing

5 minutes of physical therapist staffing per resident per day.

Compare to 5 minutes in Minnesota and 4 minutes nationally. Residents who receive appropriate physical therapy are more likely to go home on time and be able to avoid injury.

Direct care by registered nurses

Rated below average for ratio of registered nurse staffing devoted to direct patient care.

A higher ratio of registered nurse staffing devoted to direct patient care is associated with better safety and outcomes.

Use of antipsychotic drugs

12.7% of residents were given antipsychotic drugs.

Compare to 18.3% in Minnesota and 19.9% nationally. High levels of use of antipsychotic drugs can indicate inappropriate use for behavior control rather than for medical treatment.