elderly care monitoring system

Choosing the Best Baby Monitor for Elderly Care

A baby monitor is a vital tool for caring for an elderly parent or family member. What? You heard that right. But what’s a baby monitor? It’s an electronic device that enables the caregiver to see or hear a child in another room.

Despite being designed for infants and small children, baby monitors have also been proven useful in elderly care, thanks to their versatile features. In fact, more caregivers are increasingly purchasing the device to make their caregiving work easier and more efficient.

If you decide to acquire a baby monitor for elderly care, you will quickly realize numerous options are available. So, which one should you select? It depends on several factors, including your budget, durability, features, etc. In any case, the best baby monitor for elderly care should integrate all the essential features, such as high-quality video, audio, two-way communication, motion sensors, etc. Read on to learn more about selecting the ideal baby monitor.

How Baby Monitors Can Enhance Elderly Care

With baby monitors, it’s easy to hear, see, and respond to the needs of the elderly individual on time. Let’s see ways a baby monitor for elderly care can be beneficial:

Monitoring Sleep

A baby monitor enables you to track sleep patterns. In case your loved one becomes restless or experiences any sleep-related issues, you can know and intervene immediately. This can entail optimizing bedding, regulating room temperature, addressing any health concerns, etc., to enhance sleep quality.

Detect Falls

Some baby monitors come with sound detectors and motion sensors, so you can detect falls or other medical emergencies. They are normally designed to send alerts if a fall occurs. This means you can assist the older adult faster to prevent further injury.

Track Behavior

The best baby monitor for elderly care integrates video capabilities, among other features. As a result, it’s possible to monitor the behavior and daily routines of the elderly person remotely. Most importantly, you may note changes in behavior changes indicative of mental health issues or cognitive decline, prompting early intervention.

Top Baby Monitors for Elderly Care: A Buyer’s Guide to the Best Baby Monitor for Elderly Care

Now that you appreciate the vital role the baby monitor for elderly care plays, it’s time you acquired one. Check the options below to help you identify the best baby monitor for elderly care that suits your loved one’s needs:

Nanit Pro

Nanit Pro features video and audio features, as well as advanced sleep-tracking capabilities. These features make it easy to monitor your loved one’s activities, including sleeping patterns, to ensure their safety and overall well-being.

Lollipop Baby Monitor

If you want a cost-friendly Wi-Fi-enabled monitor with several smart features, then the Lollipop baby monitor is recommended. As far as smart features go, the device can track breathing, sleep patterns, noises, etc., enabling you to keep a close watch on the senior adult from afar.

Owlet Cam

You will surely be impressed with Owlet Cam’s creative design and real-time health-tracking features. It helps you monitor the elderly person’s health status at all times and act quickly if emergencies occur. Owlet Cam also features motion detection and humidity/temperature sensors. This keeps you updated on your loved one’s activities and environment, ultimately fostering a secure and comfortable living space.

The Role of Baby Monitor for Elderly Care in Managing Elderly Care

Baby monitor for elderly care plays several roles in managing the care of your loved one. Let’s check each role in detail below:

Remote Monitoring

With the device, it’s possible to monitor the well-being and activities of the older adult. This is really essential if you cannot be with the individual all the time and desire to ensure they get everything they need and remain safe.

Peace of Mind

It’s easy to get anxious and worried about the senior individual, especially if they have health conditions or mobility problems and you have to step away for a while. With a baby monitor in place, peace of mind is attained as you can check on them anytime.   

Medication Management

The baby monitor helps you know whether the senior person takes medication on time as prescribed. The best baby monitor for elderly care includes a communication feature that sends reminders to help them stay on track with their medication schedule.

Social Connection

The monitor allows you to connect with and interact with the senior adult. You can leverage the two-way communication feature or video calls to remain connected with your loved one. This decreases feelings of loneliness and isolation.  

How to Set Up a Baby Monitor for Elderly Care for Effective Elderly Care

Setting up a baby monitor for elderly care should be easy and involves the following steps:

  1. Select the location. Identify spots that provide a clear view of the older adult’s living area, such as where they sit, sleep, and the pathways they use most. Some good spots include near a ceiling, on top of a shelf, or high corners inside a room.
  2. Collect the right supplies. Ensure you have the appropriate tools like drywall anchors, stud finder, screw, drill, screwdriver, etc.
  3. Find studs. Locate the wooden support beams within the walls of a room using a stud finder. The studs offer a secure anchoring point, preventing the monitor from falling or being interfered with.
  4. Mark the positions. Use a pencil to lightly mark the areas where you will drill screws. 
  5. Start drilling. Take the drill and make some pilot holes on wood studs. Insert any necessary anchors into the drywall.
  6. Fasten the mounting bracket. The best baby monitor for elderly care comes with a bracket. In this case, you should attach the bracket to the wall first.
  7. Attach the monitor. Take the monitor and fix it on the bracket or directly to the wall.
  8. That’s it!

Choosing a Baby Monitor for Elderly Care: What Experts Recommend

If you want a baby monitor for elderly care that will serve you better, it’s advisable to understand what experts say regarding what to look out for when buying one. In this case, here’s a discussion of the recommendations:


Choose an intuitive monitor that won’t stress you, especially when it comes to installation. Taking care of an elderly member of your family is tasking enough. You don’t want to make your work harder by acquiring a complex system that’s difficult to operate. Go for simplicity. 

Video and Audio Quality

The best baby monitor for elderly care features clear audio and/or high-definition video capabilities. Therefore, be sure the monitor you purchase provides these features. You will be able to hear and see what your loved one is doing and act accordingly in case they need help.

Two-Way Communication

A monitor that provides two-way communication can come in handy. It enables you to talk with the older adult when you are far from them. This way, you can easily know what they need. Conversing with your dear one regularly also makes them feel safe and loved.  

Range and Connectivity

Get a monitor with adequate range to ensure it covers the area you want within your home. It should also offer steady connectivity to avoid signal dropouts so you can always monitor the elderly individual in real-time.

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