elderly hair care tips

Elderly Hair Care Tips

Elderly hair care tips help seniors to maintain their hair health. Hair care is a vital part of self-care for the elderly which is why we have compiled the best elderly hair care methods. The care tips are easy to follow and are also quick to produce the desired results.

How to Care for Elderly Hair

Knowing how to care for elderly hair will help them to alleviate common concerns and complaints they have related to hair. Besides hair loss, graying of hair, and hair losing its sheen are common complaints that aged people face. To ensure the best mane care, seniors should be aware of the natural deviations that occur to hair. Here are some of them:

Impact of Aging

The entire body, including hair, undergoes different changes with age. The deviations seen in hair include changes in the texture, which results in thinner hair and less volume of hair.


Graying of hair is another common change seen as people age. Gray hair is because of hair follicles losing their pigmentation.


With aging, the tresses can become thin and fine. The strands also become shorter and hair fall is more frequent with the hair not growing back most of the time.

Creating specific care methods can help in keeping the locks healthy and lustrous. Some ways in which this can be achieved are:

Styling Tips

Use of styling gels and tools and hair sprays should be minimized as they can be harsh on the locks. Using products that do not have harsh chemicals will help.

Cleaning Routine

Since hair gets thinner and brittle, a gentle brushing and washing routine. Hair fall can be minimized or prevented by the use of a shampoo with mild ingredients. Using lukewarm water also helps.

Washing Regularly

Less frequent washes will ensure there is not much split or damaged hair. Daily washing can result in loss of intrinsic oils in the scalp, resulting in dry and weak hair. They will be more prone to breaking and splitting which can affect the overall hair health. Choosing hair products based on the type of hair is another way to prevent undue damage.

Elderly Hair Care at Home: Essential Tips to Maintain Hair Health

Elderly hair care at home is an easy and effective way to preserve healthy locks and prevent total hair deterioration. Here are some home care methods that the elderly can follow without much effort.

Washing Routine

The washing routine should be done properly. Instead of daily or alternate day washing, seniors should consider washing their locks once or twice a week. This will prevent hair from becoming brittle.

Selection of Hair Products

Proper hair products should be chosen. Here are some tips:

  • The products should not contain chemicals that are harsh on hair. Parabens, for instance, is a chemical used in such products that can cause harmful effects.
  • The use of a conditioner and volumizer will help in keeping hair healthy. With the right conditioner, you can ensure moisture is retained, resulting in a good sheen.
  • A volumizer will strengthen and provide more volume for the strands. 

Restrict the Use of Styling Tools

Avoid daily use of tools like blow dryers, flat irons, and curling wands. Instead, limit using them once or two times a week. This will help in minimizing the damage caused by the heat emitted from these tools.


Proper hydration will help in keeping the moisture level from reducing in the elderly. Some ways to ensure this are:

  • Using products made especially for seniors will help.
  • Brands with natural ingredients like aloe vera can induce a hydrating effect.
  • Chamomile and jojoba oil are some additions that can help in providing sufficient moisture. With sufficient water content, scalp itching and dryness can be avoided.

Hair Care for Elderly: Diet Tips That Protect Your Locks

Hair care for elderly includes a focus on dietary changes. A diet that includes all necessary food groups can help in healthy and glowing hair. Diet considerations are not very complex. Here are simple dietary tips that make sure seniors have a balanced diet that drives hair growth and health. 

Adequate Food Intake

With aging, the food intake levels reduce. Senior citizens should, therefore, make sure they have adequate nutrients their body needs. Seniors should make sure they add different food types to their daily meals. This will help them to meet their daily nutritional amounts.

Protein in Diet

Protein is an ingredient that can help in hair growth. So, adequate protein in the diet is needed for seniors. Some protein-rich foods that aged people can include are:

  • Lean meat
  • Fish
  • Low-fat dairy foods
  • Eggs
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas

Green Leafy Vegetables

Greens offer nutrients necessary for overall health. They contain many growth-inducing nutrients like:

  • Vitamin
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Folate

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, nuts, etc. should be part of the diet. Avocados are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which is essential for hair growth.


Raspberries, strawberries, etc. have high antioxidants and vitamin C. They help protect hair and promote health. Vitamin C also helps in collagen formation which is necessary to maintain hair strength and volume.

In addition to adding the necessary food groups mentioned above, seniors should also consider multivitamins. The supplements help in adding the missing elements in the routine diet.

Counteracting Effect Of Medications

For seniors with medical conditions, the medicines they take can affect hair health. For instance, heart disease medications and those that reduce lipid levels can harm hair. Hormone replacement in women can also cause hair loss. In such cases, it is best for the elderly to get advice from their physician to counteract the impact of the medications.

Elderly people having issues such as heavy hair loss, receding hairline, and more need proper treatment.  The treatments should focus on activating growth. The treatments include:

  • Nonprescription medicines like Minoxidil.
  • Prescription drugs like Finasteride and Spironolactone.
  • Surgical treatments are also present, like hair transplants and laser treatments that are effective.
  • Injecting plasma rich in platelets is another therapy that can give good results.

Hair Care for Seniors: Small and Simple Steps That Can Help in Better Health and Appearance

Hair care for seniors is a necessary part of daily routine. It helps them look good and the dietary and daily grooming tips ensure they lead an active and vibrant lifestyle.  The tips mentioned above are easy to follow and provide the best results.

Home hair care for seniors should focus on steps that improve health. Getting regular trims is a good way to ensure split ends are removed before they cause damage to the entire shaft. For men, the back and sides should be trimmed to give an appearance of an equal amount of hair on both sides. For women, long styles should be avoided as it makes the thinning more pronounced and harder to take care of. By shying away from unhealthy hair styling products and tools, the elderly can prevent the harmful impact they cause.

Using the grooming, dietary, and medication tips detailed above, an improved self-esteem and overall outlook of the elderly can be achieved. Blending good dietary and grooming habits can ensure better health and boost their self-confidence. Seniors will feel good and not fret about their appearance, which improves their overall well-being.

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